1(800)752-9990         info@summitexpresslimo.com


How do I meet my driver?

Usually, your car will be waiting at the pre-arranged address or pick up point. But in places such as airports, theaters, and stadiums, your driver will be at the following locations:
At airports; if you request to be picked up outside the terminal, you will meet your driver waiting close to the terminal with a sign in the car window. Our driver will be at the terminal’s departure level just outside the last door as it is against airport security regulations for a car to wait outside the terminal. The driver will wait as close as possible so, when you are ready to exit the terminal, please call the dispatcher at our toll-free number and the dispatcher will alert the driver to advance to the terminal.
On the other hand, if you request to be picked up inside the terminal, your driver will be waiting close to the baggage claim area with a sign bearing your name. On international flights, your driver will be at the exit close to the customs area. You can always schedule a different and suitable meeting point with the dispatcher.
At theaters, restaurants, and stadiums; the driver will be waiting at the closest exit. At stadiums where there are specific places for limousines, the driver will be there.
Exchanging cell numbers with your driver will help you locate your vehicle easily outside a crowded theater or stadium.
Please ensure you discuss all pickup arrangements and their specific locations with the dispatcher or driver.

What if I can’t find my driver?

At Summit Express trust and reliability are our watchwords. When you make a reservation with us, you can be confident that your ride will be waiting for at the pre-arranged location. If you cannot find our driver, please call our toll-free number, and the dispatcher will assist you in finding your car by contacting your driver. P/S: Please ensure you always have our toll-free number with you whenever you travel with us.

When is waiting time charged?

We have flat rate prices and standardized routes in most major cities and airports. Waiting time is the length of time spent between a scheduled pick up and when the passenger gets into the private vehicle. Summit Express offers a five (5) minutes grace period for all flat rate trips that do not begin at the airport. We also give a 30 minutes grace for domestic flights and 60 minutes grace for international flights at airports. At the end of the grace periods, there is a $4.50 charge for every 5 minutes that the chauffeur waits. The grace period begins to count at the exact time posted by the airline as the official arrival time.
Also, there will be a $4.50 charge for every five minutes a passenger requests a stop on route during a flat rate trip.
A requested stop off route during a flat rate trip will be charged at the current hourly rate.

What are the cancellation and no-show policies?

To effect a cancellation, you will need to confirm your reservation. And cancellation charges will not apply if you do the following:

  • Cancel sedan reservation 2 hours before scheduled pick up time
  • Cancel vans, minibuses, and sport utility vehicles 48 hours prior to scheduled pick up time
  • If canceling one reservation will affect another such as a return trip from the airport, do well to inform the agent to make sure that the other reservations are canceled.
  • If a passenger fails to arrive at the pre-arranged location at the scheduled time, a no-show fee which is equal to the base fare price of the trip in addition to waiting time fee will be charged.

To avoid this, please call 1(800)752-9990 if you cannot locate your driver.

What are your surcharges?

For all services between the hours of 12 am to 5 am, a $15 surcharge applies. This includes transporting car seats to and from the office, large items (skis and luggage) which must be carried in the passenger section of the vehicle.

What payment methods do you accept?

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  • Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam.
  • Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod.
  • Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur.
  • Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam.

For your convenience, Summit Express offers corporate accounts and accepts all major credit cards.

What are your hourly rates?

We charge $55 per hour with a minimum of 5 hours. This charge covers the scheduled pick up time to the time of arrival at final destination. After the minimum required time is met, fractions of the hour will be charged at ½ hour increment.


Summit Express will terminate without a refund all services where it is believed that a client puts a driver or any other person at risk in any way possible. If a passenger is in possession of any illegal substance or tool, the service will be terminated immediately without a refund. There is no exception to this policy.


Summit of NJ will not be liable for any loss of personal belongings or items during a trip or left in a vehicle. We will also not accept responsibility for any delay caused by circumstances beyond our control such as whether or unprecedented problems that may arise.

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